It makes human, animal and treasure chests smaller, for instance.ģrd Edit - To be fair to the SpriteZoom, from the documentation it seemed as if you can resize other events with it. This plugin opens up a lot of possibilities for livening up the overworld.Ģnd Edit - It doesn't make events that use tiles as the image look smaller, so if you use a tile as the sprite for transfer to a village, or the old 'bandit hideout being suddenly visible and accessible after talking to bandit leader's ex-girlfriend' dodge for example, it still looks okay. Previously, I just used the overworld for traveling between outdoor maps. It makes ALL the sprites smaller on the overworld, so if you have NPCs or battle events, they are in scale with the party.
It has a major benefit over previous methods that I used. PD_AdjustCharaSprite.js looks as if it may be even easier to use.Įdit: It worked well on a small project I use for testing things. I have tried out the SpriteZoom plugin in the last couple of days, and am impressed with it.
That is okay if you have only a few potential party members able to travel the overworld, but can get clumsy if you give the player a lot of choice of party composition. I used to have smaller versions of the sprites that I had reduced in size with GIMP and swap the sprites in 'Enter Overworld' and 'Leave Overworld'. The plugin that you suggested looks very interesting.